Thursday, March 15, 2007

This week's sign of the apocalypse: Lane Filler named third-best columnist in America

Filler won third-best "Local Interest Column on a Variety of Subjects" in the National Headliner Awards, administered by the Press Club of Atlantic City. Filler, formerly of the Times Leader of Wilkes-Barre, is now an assistant city editor at the Spartanburg (S.C.) Herald-Journal. Enjoy a selection of his offerings below:

  • Filler admits he doesn't floss

  • Filler holds forth about how newspapers used to be in the 90s

  • Filler brings $50 in pennies home to the wife

    1. Its news enough to make you want to gouge your eyes out......rend your hair and run head long into truck traffic....

    2. Just goes to show that those awards are completely worthless.

    3. And we wonder why newspaper circulation falls like a rock...

    4. Was Walzer on the awards panel?

    5. Filler used to go to Walzer's house and cook for her.

    6. Speaking of losers. Where did Casey Jones end up?

    7. Never met Lane Filler, but I know the T-L lets things get in print now that wouldn't have made it pre-Connor. Today's business section has a story about the 25 year old Wyoming Valley Mall built in 1971.
      It's no typo because the reporter later writes "quarter century."

    8. "Never met Lane Filler, but I know the T-L lets things get in print now that wouldn't have made it pre-Connor. Today's business section has a story about the 25 year old Wyoming Valley Mall built in 1971.
      It's no typo because the reporter later writes "quarter century." "

      ....and that means what......?

    9. Filler is attractive...

    10. 2007 - 1971 = 36

      2007 - 1971 DOES NOT = 25

      (It's called subtraction.)

    11. Never mind that the mall story was a hanndjob of the first order. Business stories are now assigned by the retail advertising manager.

    12. That stupid mall story was written by that Ron Bartizek. He's awful. But they're stuck with him. He's one of the great McHugh-Walzer hires.


      I have been having my own little battle with Lane on one of his web post sites about his assertion that Americans owe no more allegiance to one another than to the rest of the world...of course, he's advocating for mass immigration under the auspices of humanitarianism.
