Thursday, March 22, 2007

Someone buy the TL an encyclopedia set

Or make wikipedia Sherry Long's home page. A reader pointed out this paragraph in Long's Monday story about antiwar protesters on Public Square: "When colonists began fighting for its independence from Britain more than 230 years ago there was not a foreign country helping us fight on our behalf, they noted." I guess it depends on when you define the war as "beginning," but what about, uh, France?


  1. Don't forget about Poland.

  2. Again very little editing done there or by poor, inexperienced editors. Who edited that if at all?? Shame. The paper has lost some talented personel.

  3. The story was quoting the marchers.

  4. It's not a quote, it's paraphrase. Beyond sloppy.

  5. "The story was quoting the marchers."
    A lame excuse. If someone gives you false information, you either disregard it or challenge them on it. You don't deliberately repeat bad info in the paper and cover your butt by saying "well, that's what they told me."
    Clearly, the writer and editors were too lazy or clueless to know their American history.

  6. "When colonists began fighting for its independence from Britain more than 230 years ago..."

    So who doesn't know their history?

    In 1775, when the colonists began fighting, France was not on our side. They pitched in several years later after intense lobbying by Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, John Jay etc.

  7. Sorry to disappoint Mr NEPAmedia and 2:42, 3:45, 11:13 and 12:54, but the facts in the sentence are correct. It is you who need the history lesson, and here it is: "When colonists began fighting for its independence from Britain more than 230 years ago there was not a foreign country helping us fight on our behalf, they noted." 1) The war did start more than 230 years ago. It started in April 1775, 232 years ago - although I don't why the reporter didn't just write that. 2) When the colonists BEGAN their fight in 1775, there were no foreign countires helping them. A year after the start of war, France and Spain secretly sent money to the colonies for the war effort. But, it wasn't until 1778, that France agreed to join the fight with militarily until American independence had been won.
    Clearly, 12:54 is too lazy or clueless to know his/her American history.

  8. Thank you 1:43. All true, and the story was accurate.

  9. Maybe people will stop blasting others unless they really know what they're talking about.
    Thanks for clearing it up.

  10. Why don't you remove this entry or just retract it on the main site. You should apologize.

  11. Regardless of the factual accuracy, that is one sloppy sentence. It is repetitive, lacks number agreement and introduces a confusing reportorial first person. Here's a rewrite: "The protestors suggested a parallel from American history. When colonists began fighting for independence in 1775, no foreign country publicly offered aid."
