Monday, March 12, 2007

Ouch: The TL's Richard Connor misspells -- twice -- the name of the longtime chamber boss

Barruok?! The best part: Connor is on the chamber's board of directors! Sunday was not the TL's finest hour. An above-the-fold Page One story had an obvious to/too error, and a simple story about the newspaper winning an award dropped a period off the end of a paragraph.


  1. that's what happens when the editor of the paper refuses to have HIS work edited. no one, obviously, should be above having at least one other person edit their copy.

  2. Is that true? No one edits Connor

  3. No one edits very much they are all busy kissing up and if they do they usually mess it up.

  4. No, those people you talk about are long gone, some of them not so long gone. They were the ones who kissed up to McHugh.
