Monday, March 12, 2007

Connor: I love the smell of West Texas in the morning

TL Editor Richard Connor writes about stalking in the dark in his weekly Fort Worth Business Press column.


  1. yippie tie ay yayy, get along little connor.

  2. yippie tie ay yayy, get along little connor.

  3. "The cattle bawl. The dogs bark. The coyotes howl. The crickets hum with the soft rhythm of a steady motor, mostly at night, but still audible in the first dark hours of morning."

    Jesus. Now victims in TWO states can be subjected to horribly over-written crap. Next up, the golden fingers of dawn creep over Kingston?

  4. he left out the part about "where the deer and the antelope graze"

  5. Oh, give me two homes:
    Where the Steigmaier foams
    And one where the cowboys ride herd.

    I'll fool them to b'lieve
    That I'd never deceive;
    I'm always as good as my word.

    Home, home, make them guess,
    In Northeastern PA or Texess.
    Where never is known
    Just where I have flown,
    But it's not the Ft Worth Business Press.

  6. TC--brilliant.

  7. Connor's in the dark. Somehow I already knew that.

  8. TC - One of the greatest posts EVER!
