Friday, February 23, 2007

Zing! Walzer calls McHugh's son "virtually unemployable"

The allegation comes in Friday's TL, writing about the newspaper's latest response to former editor Allison Walzer's discrimination suit.


  1. The story made Romenesko. Ha.

  2. How sad that smart people choose to make themselves look so stupid. Allison will always be remembered, not for her work (or more accurately, her cruelty) at the TL, but for playing the gender and ethnicity card against a major corporation and an individual (McHugh) whose biggest flaw was that he tolerated her far too long. Allison really ought to be ashamed of herself, but apparently she lacks the dignity and SELF-respect for that.

  3. It appears Walzer is trying to annoy the TL into a fat settlement just to make her go away.

  4. If anyone's son was unemployable, it was her's. Once she had him doing some work in the TL library and the shit-for-brains threw away every archived sports photo in the room.

  5. Give 11:38 a.m. a cigar. I was thinking the same thing.

  6. Hard to take the high road when deep down you're a low life.

  7. Did someone say library??? OMG!!!! What about the books???

  8. So they turned over 17 personnel files of people "of similar stature as Walzer’s" - Hmmm, who would they be, and what interesting tibits are in there... discuss.

  9. "If anyone hated women in that building it was her."

    10:51 AM, February 23, 2007

    It was she?

  10. I wonder: Would the TL print it if someone made a similar comment about one of Connor's kids?
    I'm guessing....NO.

  11. You guess wrong.

  12. Hah! Look who's "unemployable" now.

  13. To the 9:36AM poster. Fair enough.
    Here's the better question: What if it was one of the Flack's, the Henry's or the Parente's being gratuitously slammed? Or the child of another anonymous investor? That's when the real test will come.
    When the chips are down, will the TL have the guts to take on the real power behind the Connor window dressing?

  14. You missed the point. Using that part of the lawsuit showed how pathetic Walzer really is. No one is taking the shot at McHugh's son seriously -- no one gives anything she says a thought. Wow, what influence. A minimium wage job watching little brats at the CYC. Haha.

  15. Never met the woman, know nothing about her, but from what I've read about the case the only person that comes across as virtually unemployable right now is this Walzer person. She is making herself look like an extremely troubled, mean-spirited woman.

  16. You're right. She is.

  17. The latest from the TL website is Waltzer doesn't get those personal files.

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