Sunday, February 11, 2007

TL writes a love letter to WNEP's Jill Garrett

Jessica Grizzanti of the Times Leader writes a strangely amateurish puff piece about Jill Garrett, WNEP's health "reporter." No mention of the VNR scandal Garrett got caught up in a year ago.

  • Jill Garrett caught using video news release without attribution (Beale's Bites)

    1. Very nice puff from the Conner TL.

      I wonder how much that piece cost WNEP?

    2. Figure it out people. It's black history month, so the lame-ass editors at the TL looked around for a "famous" black person in NEPA to profile. Who else is there to pick from?

    3. Former TLer Ron Felton?

    4. Good lord. I couldn't read all the way to the bottom. It's like something one of my first-year journalism students would do. Is there anyone quoted in there other than her?

    5. The truly unique thing about Jill Garrett isn't that she's a black woman working in television in the year 2007--it's that she's apparently dyslexic.

      The woman can't read a single sentence without stumbling. 99% of her work is pre-taped so they can do take...after take...after take...after take hoping to get one where she doesn't stumble.

    6. Astonishingly amateurish piece, even for the new TL. This, it appears, is what will be passing for journalism now that Conner is in charge.

    7. It's actually a better read if you switch the answers around:
      Who would be your dream to interview?
      "Something to do with animals; I find them fascinating."

      What was your most rewarding interview or story?
      "I haven’t seen any of them ... I don’t have a lot of time to watch TV."

      What advice do you have for people looking to make this a career?
      "That changes on a daily basis."

    8. WTF was that?

      "What hospital were you born in?" Huh?

      I may subscribe just so I can cancel due to that "article."

    9. Pathetic attempt to honor black history month. There's no one else more deserving?
      What do we care what hospital she was born in? Is that supposed to address her qualifications to cover the health beat?
      Is there anyone actually editing articles at the TL?

    10. "I don't have a lot of time to watch TV"!!!!
      That's like a newspaper reporter saying, "eh, I don't really read papers much." Quite an endorsement for the (lack of) relevance of her job.
