Friday, February 02, 2007

New editor at the Pocono Record

Jesus, what a terrible story. "A thorough review of 100 high-caliber applications from all corners of the United States?" "A great leap forward in the Record's effort to become a 24/7 multimedia local news organization?" This shit reads like the Onion. Does this mean they're not calling Iseman back for a second interview?


  1. They conducted "an exhaustive search and a thorough review of 100 high-caliber applications" to do an internal promotion. Wow. Why bother?

    Did they interview any of these people who sent their resumes under the impression there was an actual job opening? It's time to write the rejection e-mails. "Thanks for applying, but we had absolutely no intention of interviewing anyone for this position. We know you spent time polishing your resume, composing a killer cover letter and researching our news organization, but your effort was meaningless. The posting on was a deliberate lure with no payoff. Consider yourself lucky; if we're willing to treat someone who doesn't even work for us like a piece of crap, imagine the respect we would have for you in the newsroom."

    Best of luck to the new, old guy.

  2. Yeah, it's kinda like the local TV stations when they immediately launch a "nationwide" search when someone leaves. Then, just like magic, it turns out the perfect candidate was right under their nose all the while. Such horseshit...

  3. Trust me on this one ... Watson is a bigger buffoon than anyone in Scranton or Wilkes-Barre. He spends his days planning Civil War re-enactments. Seriously.

  4. How goes the job hunt, Iseman?
