Friday, February 16, 2007

Lisa Sokolowski of the TL stood up on Valentine's Day by 70-year-old singer

We have visions of some third-string PR flack in New York City laughing at the pathetic reporter from "Wilkes-Barre" working during the storm of the century and calling every five minutes to talk to Engelbert Humperdinck, a singer that the PR flack probably couldn't pick out of a lineup. Not every day as a reporter is glamourous.


  1. Not every day as a reporter is glamourous.

    And NEPA Media would know as they continue to play "journalist," with this trashy little blog.

  2. Here's a perfect example of why any-old-story should not be used to fill space.

  3. To be clear, I was trying to express sympathy for Sokolowski.

  4. Whoa, what's 9:20's problem? why so defensive? it already was clear that nepa media was being sympathetic. chill out 9:20!
