Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Kellar: My old TL editors were dangerous SOBs

Times Leader Jerry Kellar takes a couple shots at the old regime at the end of his column, recounting stupid orders from (presumably) Walzer and Iseman.


  1. Taking shots at the old regime is a good way to get the new regime to make a mental footnote about what a person will say when they think there are no negative consequences to saying them. It will come back to bite his ass.

  2. How is Iseman's job search going. Why is it no has snapped up such obvious talent?

  3. Kellar is right about past TL management, but bitching about them in a column shows a lack of class. Move on, Jerry.

  4. He was proving a point and used a personal experience to illustrate it. I guess it wasn't clear enough for some of you. Lighten up.
