Sunday, February 25, 2007

Butkiewicz, Woelfel named to top jobs at the TL

Joe Butkiewicz is the new managing editor, Anne Woelfel the assistant managing editor, Lindsey Jones the presentation editor and Dave Konopki the sports editor. Kudos to all.


  1. Dear NEPA Media:

    Because you rip everyone else's grammar and syntax, please fix your own.

  2. Congrats to all of them.

  3. Woelfel should have went the way of Walzer a long time ago. Nice to see a nice guy like Butkiewicz move forward though.

  4. 1. What happened to the old sports editor?
    2. It says the new sports editor was The Editor of the Dallas Post. The Editor or an editor?

  5. NEPA Media boy has nerve. Glass houses.

  6. what is happening to current sports editor Petrucci and who is taking over helm of Dallas Post?

  7. Wow. Even the hometown paper gets into the biz of blighting the public commons -- with a billboard.

  8. Congrats to Dave- He's a good writer and a good person...

    He'll do a great job in his new assignment...

  9. 4:38PM:

    Should have WENT?????

  10. Joe B. and Dave K. are two of the nicest guys in that newsroom - and two of the most talented and most dedicated. Good for them.

  11. Wow, Connor is actually putting together a team of managers who not only are good at what they do but they're nice to people, too. That will be a first -- ever for the TL.

  12. I agree. It's a welcome change.

  13. If they've hired him as a new sports editor, why is the big classified ad for a sports editor still running in the TL today, March 27? That'll do a lot for his feeling of job security, won't it?

  14. Perhaps 10:06 should worry about his/her own mistakes. Today is Feb. 27.

  15. Butkiewicz and Konopki nice, well they like their families, but are poor excuses for editors and managers.

  16. OMG. It sickens me what the TL has done to the Dallas Post. I'm glad Konopki will be getting his fluffy - no sense of news self outta there. He's a terribly nice guy and I suppose he can write about sports, but he does not understand the value of a good, hometown newspaper - nor does the TL. That paper (The Dallas Post) has gone down hill fast since they took it over.

    Although sometimes aloof, I miss Bartizek, the former editor. He actually cared about NEWS that was important to Back Mountain residents.

  17. The old sports editor, Joe Petrucci, left the TL because it's a pathetic little rag in a pathetic little city and he'd had enough of Connor's bullshit and the general stupidity in the building. Petrucci was one of the last talented people left in that newsroom; Konopki is a blithering, lazy fatass who'll fit in nicely with the current newsroom lineup.

  18. Konopki tried to save the Dallas Post. When the other guy had it, it looked awful, circulation was down and there were spelling errors. Bartzak bad-mouthed the TL in public and the stupid newspaper bought him out then hired him. Why they hired him nobody knows.

  19. Just goes to show how little the people who post here know what's really going on in some newsrooms. Petrucci couldn't handle the pressure and got burned out. It's too much work. It's tough and demanding. Not everybody can do it. He is a great guy and he and Connor got along. So there. You don't know everything.
