Sunday, January 28, 2007

Two more execs join TL

Dee McCants will run the TL's advertising department, while Mark Amendola -- who has never worked at a newspaper -- will be the vice president of administration and CFO, Ron Bartizek reports.


  1. Is it me or does this sound like two people who came from widget factories enlisting in another widget factory?
    Whatever happened to watchdog journalism with a bite? Connor better get with it or he'll leave town a loser.

  2. It's already over. Connor's toast.

  3. Seriously, what's the deal with those hires? The ad woman...has worked at a couple different places around the country and picks up to move here now. Strange. Not much about her qualifications mentioned...

  4. watchdog journalism with a bite? More like slanted, biased "let's crucify someone because we can" journalism.

    Has anyone looked at the voice lately? It's smaller than some of inserts (less pages, too) you get in the Sunday Times.

  5. please, go back to the pr office.

  6. Believe me, I am not from the PR office. I am not even in the journalism field. A year ago, I was praying for the demise of the TL and the ascension of the Voice. I wouldn't even advertise in the TL let alone take a subscription.

    When the KR telemarketers from Ohio or Arizona would call, I would explain how the TL hurt people and how they (the telemarketers) were indirectly hurting people by promoting this terrible newspaper.

    What a difference a year makes. The Voice is small and getting smaller. The copy mistakes are ludicrous. Whole paragraphs missing from stories. The whole tone of the paper is approaching that of Walzer and her undearly departed ilk.

    With Iseman, Janoski and the rest of the prick-trick crowd having been shown the door, the TL is slowly evolving into a fine local paper.

    I never thought I'd see the day that the above paragraph would ever be said. Especially by me.

  7. The pendulum has swung too far in the other direction. The TL has gone from an out of control pit bull to a harmless kitten.

  8. an aggressive press shapes the cornerstone of american democracy. without a watchdog press, you lose.some of you have lost already.
