Friday, January 05, 2007

Scranton Times-Tribune wins appeal in shield law case

The Pennsylvania Superior Court ruled that a reporter doesn't have to give up her sources even if someone broke the law giving her the information. The two Scranton politicians who sued the paper and former reporter Jennifer Henn for libel -- and who want the source's name -- will appeal, their lawyer says.

  • Read The Times-Tribune's story

  • Read the court's decision in full

    1. The court backed the reporters' First Amendment rights, as it should, but I hope the Times Tribune doesn't view the decision as vindication.

      Not having to give up their source(s) doesn't change the fact that they fuxxed up the story royally, hung a story on somebody who lied and got it wrong.

      So, no back-patting on Penn Avenue, please. The depositions in this case tell a shameful lawsuit of incompetence and reckless disregard.

    2. So you know that someone lied and that th TT got the story wrong for a fact? HTF do you know that?

      More hot air from the blowhard. How about a little proof Mike?

    3. Well, you've got a judge saying the story was dead wrong...and not one person in two years coming forward to support the story.

      So either, the source lied or the Times Tribune lied. I'd say it's 50-50.

    4. Can someone post those stories that led to the lawsuit?

    5. So the Times lied but won the case? OK OJ, you win too.

    6. She's a big, fat fuck.

    7. Apparently, everyone who is not YOU, or someone YOU like is a "big fat fuck," or a "cunt" or some other highly intelligent insult you thought of while attending the University of Australopithecus.

      Well, you're an idiot. No wait, you're a BIG idiot!

      Actually, you're much worse. You're irrelevant.

    8. Who calls people fat? What a bunch of assholes 'round here.

    9. "She's a big, fat fuck."

      Ed Christine....

    10. The whole debacle points to the trouble you get into when relying on anonymous sources. Were the former commissioners really uncooperative or was the source exaggerating for his/her personal agenda? Unnamed sources obviously don't care if they are twisting things because they're not accountable.

    11. the chumster bulletin board -- it's back up!!

    12. "She's a big, fat fuck."

      "Ed Christine.... "

      I can almost hear him saying it. In fact, I probably have heard him say it.

    13. I had a run in with Ms. Henn several years ago when she wrote a story for the Times Leader on school security. She stated that she walked into the Solomon Junior High School and no one stopped her to question her. I asked her if I could help her and told her that she needed to report to the office to sign in. I have a copy of her signature on the sign in docket, and that proves that she is a liar. I watched this story intently, knowing that it the problem here was clearly Ms. Henn.

    14. This site is really allows a user to publish without being logged into to the system. Liar is a bit too strong...I should have said that she failed to include information in the story that would have prevented some from questioning her accuracy and presentation of the entire story. I get very frustrated whenever I see a story by or about her and I was venting my frustration.

    15. Hey, 7:00 p.m.:

      This was all hashed out several years ago. Jen walked around the building for a good half hour before anybody challenged her.

      This was made clear to you and to everybody else involved. If you could have proven otherwise, there would have been a correction. But there wasn't.

      But you're back, peddling your tired old tale of woe, calling a hard-working journalist a liar.

      Pot, meet kettle.
