Thursday, October 05, 2006

TL, Scranton Times make Wonkette

How often does the Times Leader make Wonkette? The Scranton paper? Never. But the site took note of the Sherwood case. Read on.


  1. The CV and TT were right, this whole thing isn't a story. It might play a major role in a congressional election, but it's not news.
    Idiots. I like how they slept on it while the TL pounded out story after story, then had the balls to list it as one of the top 10 stories of 2005. Lazy bastards.

  2. You got that right. Holeva and that fuck Beaupre got on their high horse and refused to write anything about the issue. In the meantime, the TL ran with the stories and in the process making the CV and TT look like assholes.

  3. "It's sure is lonely on the high road..." remember that crap the TT and CV fed its subscribers as their reason not to cover the Sherwood story. It's strange that they jump on Sherwood's apology promo on TV with a story.

  4. Yeah, I would love to hear what Holeva and Beaupre have to say about not covering it now. It wasn't the high road, it was the scared and lazy road.

  5. Larry Holeva, managing editor of the Citizens’ Voice, wrote on May 8, 2005, in a column that described the case but without naming Sherwood or Ore:

    "Sure can be lonely on the high road.
    Ever since word hit the streets that a local politician had been accused of giving a back rub to a woman in Washington, D.C., we’ve maintained the straight and narrow on the subject.
    When you examine the hard facts of this case, it is easy to see why we resisted the temptation to immediately slap the tawdry subject all over the front page. We must hold ourselves to a high standard. Review the facts and proceed only with credible information. This isn’t about selling newspapers or pushing a sexy headline. It’s about being responsible. Credible.
    So we pressed for hard facts, and did not sweep the story under the rug as some of you have wondered. We interviewed the 29-year-old woman, the politician and the police who responded to the woman’s 911 call. We followed with secondary interviews. We debated the merits of the story, played devil’s advocate and looked at the facts from every possible angle.
    Readers have called and asked why the newspaper has yet to publish the story. The answer is simple: After reviewing the facts as we have them, we ruled the story didn’t quite meet a credible newspaper’s standard for publishing. …
    In our view this is a classic case of she says, he says. … On the high road, you resist publishing stories that are merely allegations without supporting , corroborating evidence to prove what either he says or she says.
    Just because the story has yet to appear on our pages doesn’t mean we have ignored it. It just means that until fact supports the allegations we will continue to scratch, claw and dig for truthful information. That’s standard operating procedure for chasing the news."

  6. That was yesterday. The TL today wouldn't touch it.
    They'd show more pictures (along with a special web slideshow!!) of Sherwood hanging out at a "Secret" investor's house.
    TLers should stop living in the past. Your present is "Click, Click, Click."

  7. It just so happens his local paper The Scranton Times ignored the story until several days later. By then surrounding towns ran stories and his friends The Scranton times ran a watered down story of a jilted woman. How typical of this rag.

  8. So if the TL did become soft, what great investigative story did it get scooped on? I haven't seen anything but the typical spoon-fed stories in the CV since the takeover. I can't recall ONE big story that the CV broke on the scale of the Sherwood controversy.
    Even if the perception of the TL and its toughness has changed, the reality is it could never be as lame as the CV. And that horrible May 8th Holeva column was just an attempt to explain to readers why the CV wrote nothing about one of the biggest stories last year. Pathetic.

  9. "Even if the perception of the TL and its toughness has changed"

    Don't kid yourself. It's not just the perception that's changed. The reality has changed.
    The CV has scooped the TL on the identities of ITS OWN OWNERS.
    You don't get any lamer than that.

  10. Holeva's column offered such a poor excuse. Since when does a newspaper have to run its own investigation into a matter to
    find "corroborating evidence to prove what either he says or she says." When did the media become the authorities? Should newspapers not run DUI arrests if they haven't independently proven the allegation was true?
    A 911 call from a young woman was made from the apartment of a married Congressman who preaches family values. And she claimed that congressman choked her. What didn't they get? I think they are on the high road -- high on crack.

  11. I think they are on the high road -- high on crack.

    I luv it, give me more

  12. Give me more, give me more...I luv it...give it to me....

  13. Old fucking story, been done to death. Why don't you drop this shit?

  14. Just because the story has yet to appear on our pages doesn’t mean we have ignored it. It just means that until fact supports the allegations we will continue to scratch, claw and dig for truthful information. That’s standard operating procedure for chasing the news.

    Sure... I'm sure that had nothing to do with the fact that they didn't want to lose advertising $'s from Sherwood's business interests.
