Monday, October 16, 2006

Matt Kemeny goes live with Times-Tribune readers

Is this The Times-Tribune of Scranton or the Washington Post? Live chats with reporters? Podcasts? "Blogs?" It started Monday with readers chatting with police reporter Matt Kemeny. Other reporters will be online next week.


  1. Matt did a nice job. Live chat can be a tough format, you really need to know your stuff and be able to think on your feet.

  2. Bring on guest star Andy Mehalshick from the electronic show biz world. He could describe how he moonlights with the cops while doing Net sexual predator stings.

  3. I agree with 8:27 (maybe with the 7:29 guy too but for a different reason).

    I just done reading the transcript of Kemeny's chat online. He really did well.

    That's a cool feature I hope they use more often.

    Looks like they're getting more serious about the website.

  4. I wish I logged on live, the session looks pretty good.

  5. Hey Matt, tell Larry Beaupre I said he's still a fucking cocksucker!

  6. And how many of those questions were plants? How many people outside the office or his immediate family would know his Ed Christine nickname?

  7. 12:26, you got that right. 8:27 and 9:13 are probably Times-Scumrock bootlickers. Company people for sure.

  8. WTF? The name of his Sunday column is "Crimedog." Does the "plant" sneak in and write his column too? Great detective work Mitchell.

  9. I don't read the Sunday TT, so I don't see the column. But now that I hear that, I think letting Ed Christine give you a nickname and then using it in print is pretty... icky.
    How about renaming the business page The West Wing?

  10. Sorry, my bad, it never occurred to me that anybody would use one of Christine's stupid nicknames in print.
    I mean, nothing says journalistic credibility like a funny name.
    How about Bob "Beltway Bopper" Woodward? Or Thomas Friedman, The Globetrottin' Jew?
    Sounds like young Matt is pretty desperate for approval. It's one thing to let the boss give you an idiotic nickname. It's quite another to use it in print.

  11. You're still a dick.

    The kid does a nice job with a cool new feature and you bash him. When did you become such a miserable prick? At least he's trying to do something a bit different from the usual NEPA journalism routine.

    I guess you'd prefer if reporters stuck to print and ignored that silly Internet thing.

  12. Mitchell is too inside. When did you work at TT John? Still have a buddy there that talks to you way too much?

  13. I don't work at the Times Tribune, but I know people there. I know most of the key players either professionally (when I'm paid to talk to them) or socially (when I can't avoid it and there's free food).

    And you're right, drunks talk way too much.

    Nothing against Matt, he's a good reporter.

    And yeah, I'm still a dick, etc. etc., but I'd bet a pair of Scranton Yankees season tickets there was a plant question or two.

  14. Well you've already bvacked down from your claim of "how many of those questions were plants" to "there was a plant or two."

    You're out on this one buddy boy. Pick another topic. You've been exposed. I still believe your too inside. You worked there and are too cocky to do a good job of hiding it. Your bias is is obvious. You've been scorned.

  15. """"""Well you've already bvacked down from your claim of "how many of those questions were plants" to "there was a plant or two."""""

    OK, I'm sure you can explain to me the semantic distinction between "how many of those questions were plants" and "there was a plant or two."

  16. Who's "John Mitchell"?

    1) Biggest dick in NEPA.

    2) And a former cops reporter who resents the attention for Matt.

    Do the math. It ain't that hard.
