Tuesday, October 24, 2006

CJR rips Scranton paper for story on Jews

We're sorry to be a month late with this, but CJR online took apart the Times-Tribune for its hatchet job on the Hasidic Jews who may or may not move to Scranton. Writes Gal Beckerman: "There is a lot wrong with these articles, but a hatred of Jews, though it peeks through at times, is only part of a bigger issue. What is defective about these pieces is their lack of curiosity, the absence of any attempt to push the boundaries of previous knowledge, to get their readers to understand something deeper about their potential new neighbors. Instead the Times-Tribune reflects a laziness of spirit."


  1. Should be headed, "NEPA media news and gossip scoops CJR."
    We said two months ago that it sucked.

  2. The Jews are coming, the Jews are coming.
    Blame the debacle squarely on the shoulders of that fucker Larry Beaupre, the alleged managing editor.

  3. Interesting. The stories about New Jersey and update New York - sites of alleged Jew takeovers - have been pulled off the Web site.

  4. Pulled off the Times Web site, that is.

  5. The Jews already control the world.

  6. "I don’t think they understand what’s coming here.” -- Moscow resident, referring to Hasidic Jews moving to Scranton. More hatemongering from the crazy Scranton Times:


  7. It was a good story to do, but poorly executed. Times Tribune doesn't have an experienced word editor who can bring home a complex and tricky topic. Christine may be OK for high school sports but he doesn't have the chops for anything that sophisticated. He can yell fuck all he wants, that doesn't get it done. This CJR piece shows how fucked they are.

  8. Interesting. The stories about New Jersey and update New York - sites of alleged Jew takeovers - have been pulled off the Web site.

    An outright lie and failure to understand basic searching skills.

    Nice reporting retard.


  9. Good lord, what a bunch of assholes. I serached on word and found the articles(s).

    Are we a little biased ladies? Trying to feed the DD frenzy?

    We know, vast right/left/Lynett conspiracy. We know.

    Tin foil hat anyone?

  10. Wrong link, pal. I am looking for the sidebars about Lakewood, N.J. and about the Catskills. You remember them, right? They were pointless, panicky and borderline anti-semitic. They were also labeled poor journalism by CJR.

    When I read the mainbar and click on the links to the right - the ones with the headlines "Political takeover alleged in Lakewood, N.J." and "Jewish visitors transform the Catskills each summer" - I get an unusual "the requested article is not available." I searched the T-T archives and came up empty-handed.

    Please post links to the sidebars or shut the fuck up.

  11. How bad is it when you're ashamed of your own stories?

    "The requested article is not available."



  12. "How bad is it when you're ashamed of your own stories?"

    You really think that's it? You can't be that stupid. The story is from a few months ago. Anyone can walk in off of the street and buy a newspaper with those stories inside. They're not trying to hide anything, some kind of screwup I'm betting.

  13. Yes, I am "stupid" enough to see a connection between a national journalism magazine slamming the articles and the stories being removed. (The two sidebars were by far the most egregious. That New Jersey story never should have run.)

    There's a big difference between people walking in off the street to buy a paper and the story being available online to journalists around the country via Romenesko et al.

    And I'll say it again, the Times Tribune need to do a feature on the Hasidic group; trying to do a one-sided phone job on the story was a lazy-ass, sloppy way to do it.

    For Beaupre, Murphy and Christine to settle for that, either they don't know any better or don't give a shit, or both.

    Several of us said so when the stories ran, and the Times Shamrock bootlickers called us tin-foil hats, disgruntled employees, etc.

    Now CJR has confirmed the wisdom of NEPA Media News...and me.

  14. Try this link Sherlock:

