Monday, October 02, 2006

Chris Kelly again makes fun of those who doubt the Scranton Times

It's a laff riot.


  1. WTF? That crappy column by the self-proclaimed King of NEPA Journalists only confirms he's nuts. Did he have stomach pains after his sixth trip to the buffet line when he wrote that crap?

  2. Note to Chris: We don't think the Times Tribune answers to the shadowy liberal conspiracy. We just think it's run by idiots. Please get it right.

  3. I guess if the Times Scamrock sez it, it must be true. Gimme a break.

  4. This self professed Journalist is such a joke. With all the political corruption in Scranton and Lack. Valley he has his journalistic head up Ed Lynett's ass. He would trip over a real story. The ST is nothing but a propaganda publication for the ruling elite.

  5. In keeping with the deficient ethics of the Lynett Family rag, Kelly manages to "cover" the Republican's FCC complaint without bothering to alert the reader to the huge financial investment capos on the editorial board, and their families, have made to Casey campaigns. Not unlike his fellow fraudulent jounalist, who covered the story in his column and let his boss get away with saying that he doesn't support the Casey candidacy. But again, no mention of the donations that would show that to be a lie.
