Friday, September 01, 2006

The sounds of silence

Friday's TL carried no story about the ownership stakes held by Frank Henry and Chuck Parente Sr. Ouch.


  1. hahahaha.

    TL jokers can't even get a simple story on the owners in.

    All that stuff you all worried about going on with a TS actually IS going on with Connor at the helm.

    This is just too good to be true.

  2. More silence from the TL crew. If TS did something like this the message board would be flaming. Gutless wusses.

  3. The TL promised an ownership story to be published on Sunday.

  4. Oh good, only 5 days late. That's great work they're doing over there.

  5. "The TL promised an ownership story to be published on Sunday."

    Who promised that?

    Also, it has to be VERY embarrassing to get scooped on a story that's about your OWN newspaper.

  6. it's a private company, it does not have to be public knowledge as it did in the KR days.

  7. QUOTE: "it's a private company, it does not have to be public knowledge as it did in the KR days."

    it's still a newspaper. well, sort of -- with all the fluff and pictures its been publishing lately i am more inclined to call it a newsletter.

  8. The ownership story Sunday was a major disappointment. Connor could have but this thing to rest for good, but he's only perpetuating the mess with the "you own the paper" stuff. Throw out a few names and be done with it.

  9. Bottom line: Connor can break the story or be forced to respond to it when the CV does.

    Either way those names will become public. If he had half a brain in his head he'd do it on his terms.

    We're already seeing some poor judement on his part. This "war" won't last long.

    If he's still here in 3 years I'll be shocked.

  10. So, did Connor have a piece in the Sunday paper? I couldn't find it on the Web site.

  11. anyone else think it's funny connor's column never made online?

    what is he trying to cover up?
