Monday, September 11, 2006

Horrible 9/11 lead in TL makes Gawker's parade of shame

How does the Times Leader's Ron Bartizek make New York gossip and media blog With the most tasteless 9/11 lead in history. Behold: "Five years after clouds of debris billowed up from the toppled towers of the World Trade Center, a silver lining may be forming in Northeastern Pennsylvania." Stay classy, Times Leader.

  • NEPA could be Wall Street West if everyone weren't so stupid and technically backward

    1. The Lehigh Valley is already eons ahead of NEPA in terms of this happening. Of course he didn't write about that.

    2. why did someone edit that shit down?

    3. well perhaps they should reevaluate that policy.

    4. What policy?
      I'm surprised the lead didn't start out thusly: "Imagine a bright sunny day turned gray by the bellowing, steamy clouds of an aeroplane crashing into the .......
      What editor?

    5. Some may say the bodies of 9/11 victims came crashing to the pavement from the lofty heights of the Twin Towers like so many lemons - lemons thrown by terrorists.

      Well, the people of NEPA are making lemonade.

      (Iseman nixed that one...yours truly, Ron)

    6. Alternate proposed lead:

      They say "If you build it, they will come."
      But if you destroy the World Trade Center, will they come to NEPA?
      Opinions are mixed.

    7. It was a dark and stormy night..

    8. "While NYC is still trying to identify bodies five years after the 9/11 tragedy, NEPA is busy identifying ways to cash in on the terror craze."

      What a dick.
