Thursday, September 28, 2006

Feds say Times-Tribune's 'Better Together' campaign was not illegal in a pro-Casey kind of way

Maybe not illegal, maybe without merit (says Larry Beaupre), maybe silly (says George Lynett), but a newspaper billboard with Bob Casey's name on it in 4,000-point type was incredibly bad judgment.


  1. How could those idiots at the TT not think it was a bad idea to use that edition on a billboard? First of all, it mentions a candidate's name. Secondly, is this the story they want to advertise? Can't they find an investigative story or something a little more powerful or attention grabbing? Morons.

  2. If you don't get why stealing voicemails is unethical, then you probably wouldn't get why that headline looked like a plug for Casey.

    Beaupre and friends may have gotten off on the FEC complaint, but in the court of public opinion, they've been found guilty of being idiots.

  3. Larry Beaupre is a fucking asshole. Everyone knows the Lynetts have been up the Casey family's asses for years.

  4. My favorite part was that Banana boy not only thought it was a good idea to use that headline, but that he altered the headline from what ran in the paper before he plastered it all over billboards.

  5. What all of the critics ignore is THE FACT that the TT ALSO ran an ad campaign that featured Rick Santorum in a front page headline before the Casey ad ran. (and it wasn't a negative story, so save it)

    Everyone loves the chance to attack and accuse. Not a word mentioned ANYWHERE about the campaign that featured tricky Dicky.

    And you guys call yourselves journalists. Pathetic.

  6. Good call 12:30pm. I was waiting for someone to point that out.

  7. ***crickets chirping***

    I guess the facts about the Santorum ad was game, set, match.
