Thursday, September 07, 2006

CV goes after TL on editorial page for not identifying owners

This may be the best editorial I've ever read in the Voice. Thoughtful. Well-written. Sharp. It makes a good case why identifying the local TL owners is so important.


  1. It is a solid editorial. I think Beaupre wrote it -- he is a fine writer and Holeva isn't.

  2. Beaupre and Holeva are fucking rotten cocksuckers.

  3. Too bad the only time the CV grows balls is to bash its competitor. What a soft newspaper. Keep sucking off politicians and writing non-stop fluff, then show your "muscle" when you can criticize the other local newspaper. What a fraud of a paper.

  4. You're right about one thing: The CV is very soft on the big issues. The reason for that is the ME has no balls. Don't rock any boats; that's his mantra.

  5. "Don't rock the boat, don't make any waves." Sounds like Andy Griffith's sergeant in the classic comedy flick "No Time for Sergeants."
    At least the CV gets those Kanjorski news releases into print in a timely fashion.
