Monday, September 25, 2006

Beaupre inducted into new U. of Illinois j-hall of fame

It was the first class - Hugh Hefner was also an inductee. No mention of the post-party. The 'story' has a nice summation of Beaupre's career.


  1. congratulations, asshat.

  2. The story didn't include the debacle you created in Ohio. You're a pariah in the industry and a cocksucker.

  3. Was he the editor at Cincinnati when they had the banana scandal? If so, why did Gannett choose him to write and ethics policy?

  4. He hired the asshole who illegally got voice mails that led to criminal charges.
    Nice job Larry.

  5. Read the full story in American Journalism Review. It's not as cut and dry as people here think. The reporter was tapping the voicemails on his own. When he admitted he had done it he was told to stop, but by then it was too late.
