Thursday, September 28, 2006

Al Zobel says NEPA people are all negative

The former WYOU/WBRE boss landed in Madison, Wisc., where he is running a station there. The Wisconsin State Journal Q&A is mostly about his new job, but there is this line: "The thing about Wilkes-Barre and part of Northeast PA is the negativity. [...] After four years of it, I just couldn't do it anymore. It was pervasive throughout the community."


  1. You have to admit he is right. The negativity needs to go

  2. You have to admit he is right. The negativity needs to go

  3. I don't believe he said that all NEPA people are negative, though he did say negativity is pervasive. That's a hard sentiment to argue with, coming from another person like myself who doesn't live in the area anymore.

  4. That scab bastard! How dare he call the NEPA negative! The WyVal doesn't need trash like him. Let Monrovia, Wisc., have him.
