Friday, August 04, 2006

TL production boss out

Brett Shoemaker quit or was fired earlier this week, the CV reports. Update: The TL, in fact, reported this on Wednesday in its story about Connor replacing Golas.


  1. The TL also reported this Wednesday. The CV's a little late.

  2. so what else is new? CV is always playing catch-up. Everyone take a sip of beer for each time during a week a TL story turns up in the CV two days later and we'll all have a buzz on.

  3. Oh, God. The NEPA Media drinking game. Let's get it started.

    Casey Jones refers to his grandmother... take one sip.
    Dave Iseman writes a column about his kids... take two sips.
    The Voice leads with a turn-of-the-screw Hugo story... take three sips
    Chris Kelly writes another "I am narrating a bizarro world that closely resembles our own" column... down the beer.

    You get the idea. Game on!

  4. You have been around NEPA for a long, long time when you remember Chris Kelly writing columns from outside the bldg instead of pontificating from his desk on Kenneth Lay, Ann Coulter, Karl Rove, blah, blah. (Except from his piece from the all-star game that was a masterpiece of solipsism.)
    Funny guy, good writer, gotten damned lazy.

  5. *
    5:59 said: so what else is new? CV is always playing catch-up. Everyone take a sip of beer for each time during a week a TL story turns up in the CV two days later and we'll all have a buzz on.

    Oh, come on. I read stuff from both papers over the radio each day for the blind and homebound. They bounce back and forth with who gets what first or second. They aren't even lined up with the obits. It may look one way when you are glancing at it, but it really strikes you when you are reading it out loud.

  6. Why was Shoemaker ousted?

  7. I was thinking the same thing about Kelly recently .... Times Shamrock no doubt pays good money for syndicated columnists, people who've actually MET Kenneth Lay, Karl Rove, etc. Let them bloviate.

    If I've got a guy with Kelly's talent on the staff, I want to know what's going on in Dickson City and Dunmore and Pittston and downtown Scranton.

  8. Ohhhhhh......some more ridiculous commentary from Carten. PLEASE!!!!!!

  9. *
    Mike Rosato said: Ohhhhhh......some more ridiculous commentary from Carten. PLEASE!!!!!!

    What's your problem? Someone made a comment about one paper always being ahead of the other and I merely commented --from my experience reading each of them every day-- that they often bounce back and forth on who gets it first.

    How is that ridiculous? I'm not saying one is better, or one is consistently out front; just that neither one has the prize for always being first. It's called "Two Newspaper Town," and thank goodness for it.

  10. Besides, shouldn't getting the story right be just a little, tiny bit more important that being "first?" What is this, the World Series of NEPA "journalism?"

  11. The TL also reported this Wednesday. The CV's a little late.

    I should think so. If the TL can't beat the CV on a story about a guy they fired they're in bigger trouble than I thought.
