Saturday, August 19, 2006

Set your VCR: Richard Connor to appear on WVIA-TV on Thursday

The TL editor and publisher will field questions from Bill Kelly, WVIA boss, at 9 p.m. Of course, one of Kelly's bosses on the board of directors is Bill Lynett of the Scranton Times. Will they be softball questions? Or hard-hitting? Tune in to find out.


  1. Do you really think BL is going to direct Bill Kelly to ask any type of question - hard or soft? That's not the job of the board.

  2. Kelly knows the board has influence. Lynett doesn't have to say a word. His pressure is implied. I wonder if Bill will say that his no talent wife is a TL employee. Let's see some full disclosure, Bill!

  3. Who is Bill Kelly's wife? What does she do at the TL?

  4. No, I don't think BL would direct Bill Kelly to ask any type of question. But it can't help but weigh on Kelly's thinking that one of his guest's business rivals signs his paycheck. I would hope that Kelly would note at the outset of the telecast that Connor rival Bill Lynett serves on WVIA's board of directors. Doing so only adds to the program's credibility. Not doing so, however innocently, feeds the fires of the conspiracy crazies who dislike the Lynetts and see their hand behind everything.

  5. BK's questions will be as soft as the ammo at the Tomato Festival.

  6. Suzanne Kelly does the Newspapers in Education.

  7. I heard from a friend at WVIA that one week later the "Lynett family" will appear on the same program. Evidently the station booked the Lynetts when speculation was almost unanimous that they'd own the Leader. Then Connor buys the paper and WVIA got him to do a show BEFORE the Lynetts.

  8. All Bill Lynett gives a shit about is when lunch is going to be served.
    The big galut is nothing but a fucking backstabber.
    As much as I hate that fucker O'Connor, I hate Lynett more.
