Sunday, August 27, 2006

Michael Race of the Times-Tribune wins statehouse reporting award

Kudos to Race, who won an award from "the Association of Capital Reporters and Editors." The small item in the Scranton paper does not say who judges the award.


  1. Second place -- and how many PA papers under 75K have Statehouse guys?
    Pennsylvania newspaper contests are like the Special Olympics -- everybody's a winner.

  2. The brief says it was a national award not just PA, so he was up against statehouse reporters nationwide. And how many papers under 75K in PA or otherwise have capitol reporters? Do you know? If not, don't knock him til you do your homework. Fact is, there are more small papers in this country than major metros.

  3. The site doesn't say who judged the contest but who cares. He did great.

  4. O, forgive me. Lord. for questioning the statehouse reporting award for your Son, Mike Race. I am girding my loins and preparing to sacrifice my first-born son in reparation.

    Peter Z.

  5. I'm happy for Mike Race, but don't you agree that who judges a contest is a relevant fact? Is it the Ohio Press Club? Some guys on work release? Allison Walzer? Speaking from experience judging a few newspaper contests myself, it's a relevant fact. All too often, unqualified judges end up picking half-blindly from a giant pile of entries (especially when it comes to project work) that they can't possibly digest in half a day in a breakout room at the Howard Johnsons in Columbus.

  6. Man up, you Race-baiters.

  7. Mr. R.:
    Man up on my large, hairy cock.
