Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Burying the lead: Connor says he and Golas would kill each other

Or something like that. The second-hand quote is in the 99th graf of Renita Fennick's gloves-on story about how Matt Golas got fired. Nichole Dobo's story in the CV was unremarkable except that she could not reach Golas for comment even though he lives four blocks from the paper.

  • TL owner will work as editor and publisher

    1. Matt Golas recently wrote: "We’d love to give local, seasoned journalists a shot at working at the best newspaper in Northeast Pennsylvania."

      I'm not in the newspaper business. I'm not being sarcastic. I really want to hear from insdiders: is the paper better or worse with Matt gone?

    2. It's hard to say since he has only been gone a day. He was a great editor and much better than the previous. A lot of people in the newsroom liked him and he was a horribly nice guy. Time will tell whether Conner will be better or worse, but he's playing with his own money and has a lot to lose if the TL fails.

    3. a GREAT editor? a lot of people in the newsroom liked him? Which newsroom would that be?

    4. Connor will keep the TL for a few years then sell it to Times Shamrock. He'll drive up the price, take the profit, and blow town. It's vintage Rich Connor, since he is a carpetbagger. Old ways die hard.

    5. Answer to your question ... Most people who are into good journalism liked Golas.

      If you think he was widely disliked, like you suggest, then you don't work for the TL and are quite possibly a liar.

      And, from whjat I saw in the year he was here, he was a very good editor.

      And, to the other poster, try a little logic on for size.

      Conner bought the paper because he wanted to run it. Not because he wanted to flip it for a profit.

      Why do I say that? Because he bought himself inbto a situation where, if he isn't happy with his investment, or it dosen't work out, he would onlt have one prospective buyer to unload the paper on.

      And that would be Times Shamrock. And they ain't gonna give Conner anywhere close to what he paid for it.

      Their first offer to McClatchy was ridiculously low. It was only after they found out others were interested in it that they upped the offer.

      If Conner has to sell, he'd take a financial bath.

      No, he's going to out evertything he has into this to make it work.

      We'll see if he can.

    6. Connor might have bought it to run but the investment company is boss. Investment companies buy businesses, turn them around and then sell them. That's what they do. The Lynetts will have another chance to grab the TL.

    7. What I want to know is, will the Connor bust be restored to its rightful place in the TL lobby?? I seem to remember hearing that it was removed during the Knight Ridder reign. That's rich. He who laughs last, laughs best. Today's newspaper ownership score:
      Connor - 1
      Knight Ridder - 0

    8. The idea that Golas was a good journalist is silly.

      The idea that he was a good editor is even sillier.

      Good editors use good judgement - he used none almost every morning for the past several months in penning the "Morning Note..."

      For all intents and purposes his behavior leading up to the sale was his audtition to keep his job. He couldn't help himself.

      Sadly, it was probably his audition for his next few jobs as well. He blew it. Worse yet, he asked for it. That's not a good editor - that's a fool.

    9. The morning note was nothing more than a little blog thing Golas did.

      It wasn't journalism and was never meant to be taken as such.

      Just his random comments and observations.

      If all you can do it criticize him for the morning note, then you show your lack of intelligence on the situation.

    10. He's gone. Get over it. Guys like him are a dime a dozen. Connor will wheel in some stiff to take over. The beat goes on.

    11. Well, since your head is obviously up your ass, the stiff he "wheeled" in to do the job is himself. Do you even read the stories or do you just react to headlines?

    12. Never listen to anything a CV'er says about the TL.

      The hatred runs so deep that logic never seeps into the comment.

      In a way, too, never listen to any comment a Scranton Times croney posts to the site.

      They only hate the TL because they didn't get the TL.

    13. It wasn't journalism and was never meant to be taken as such.

      Yet he put it under the "Breaking News" banner every morning, and often times introduced serious subject matter.

      He never labled it a blog or put it in the blog section.

      You can't have it both ways. It was bad journalism by an editor who made poor decisions.

    14. They only hate the TL because they didn't get the TL.

      Maybe they don't hate the TL; maybe they just make fun of it because it's a poor newspaper.

    15. Actually we do hate the TL. It runs very deep.
      We also hate the poster who was critical of us for hating the TL. There's plenty of hate to go round, you fucking cocksucking motherfucker!

    16. QUOTE:
      "Actually we do hate the TL. It runs very deep. We also hate the poster who was critical of us for hating the TL. There's plenty of hate to go round, you fucking cocksucking motherfucker!"

      this person does not speak for everyone at the CV and by the tone of the post is the jerk who keeps posting nasty stuff on here.

    17. A "great editor?" You've got to be kidding. This ranks right up there with Condi Rice's mushroom cloud quote.

    18. He is the idiot that's been posting. Give it a fucking break. You're an idiot. Face it and move on.

    19. I don't work for the TL and I have not been posting all the rude comments. Pretty pathetic journalism when you have to resort to cursing. The TL editor's blog was a bad idea for Golas. You can not be a good editor or reporter if you prefer to make news rather than writing about it. As far as carpetbaggers, Golas was one as well. His attempts to make us care about what was going on in Philly only highlighted his contempt for this area. Regarding Connor, he'll make the TL even more profitable and sell in a couple of years, but he and the local investors will never agree to sell to Times-Shamrock. Logic folks!
