Monday, August 07, 2006

Another one bites the dust: TL circulation boss out

He's being replaced by a guy from Hazleton, according to a TL story/press release without a byline. No comment was apparently sought from incumbent Donnell Giles, who is done today.


  1. Now all he has to do is dump Kahlau and maybe the paper can grow.

  2. So true. At least now circulation has a chance. Giles was the worst circ director the paper had and the biggest mchugh ass kisser.
    So long sucker.

  3. Connor is doing the paper and the area a service. Only the ones who aren't qualified for their jobs should be worried. That sounds like you.

  4. 6:42 is right. Giles was AWFUL and had to go.

  5. Agreed. Donnell was a big Pat suck up. Walked in the first day as a VP and did nothing but kiss ass. Most of the good mid level people from the circ. department are gone.

    I also agree that Kahlau should be on the outside looking in.

  6. Kahlau will survive. She always does.

  7. Hey posters: YOU should be worrying about your jobs. That prick Connor will be wielding that ax for a long time. As far as I'm concerned, he can fire all you cocksuckers at the TL.
    Off with your heads!!!

  8. Nice to see you're off your meds.

    Take care, now. Get some rest.

  9. Idiots all, see what Connor and DeHaven have done for circulation and profits at the TL now. Just shows none of you had a clue. If theres any doubt take a look at the latest Audit and Pub statements for the TL.

    Ah yes, Dick Connor anyone know what the equity investors are planning to do now? Wonder how well received the 2008 budget was by its investors.

    Connors Ha... ha... ha.... lol
