Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The TL´s Golas goes after the CV, accuses it of yellow journalism

TL editor Matt Golas uses his Monday newsroom note to really beat on the Voice, calling them minor-leaugers and worse for a Sunday Voice house ad trashing the TL. The Voice piece is not online, not surprisingly.


  1. Thank goodness he takes the high road and doesn't engage in name-calling...

  2. It was a full page ad, why would it be online?

  3. I predict his ass will be grass when Dickie boy really takes charge. McHugh will follow. The whining that took place when TS almost bought the TL was pathetic. It will be their undoing. Good riddance. No one will miss them.

  4. Wrong. The "whining" SAVED the TL from Times-Shamrock. Ask Gary Pruitt.

  5. Gary Pruitt is a retard.

  6. Connors bid was $6 million less than TS but Gary Pruitt didn't want to be remembered for helping to shutter a paper in a competitive environment. Selling to Connors did that. The shut down of the TL would have been a black mark on their acquisition and a bad reflection on their company. That's it. Simple isn't it?

  7. I've heard that from my friends inside McClatchy. Being that newspapers are being assualted on all fronts, Pruitt didn't want a hand in ending one paper's legacy. And who can blame him. Another owner would have taken the money and ran.

  8. "Gary Pruitt is a retard."


  9. "Pruitt didn't want a hand in ending one paper's legacy."

    By selling it to Connor he only delayed it. Circ and Adv is way down, readership is down, moral is non-existant. Connor will cut his losses soon enough. I give it two or three years tops.

  10. You're being generous. Two years of losing money and listening to the "poor us" whining will send him packing.

  11. Editor & Publisher just reported that McHugh will resign 7/28 and Connor will take over as publisher. Game on.

  12. Game most certainly on. This is GREAT news for the TL folks.

  13. The posters who say Connor will only be around for 2-3 years are engaging in some heavy wishful thinking.
    Anyone who ever spent five minutes with Connor knows that he would never buy and flip the TL. He will use his powerful leadership skills to finish what he started years ago. Owning the paper is a long standing dream of his, and he will pour everything he has into getting it right.

  14. Guess they couldn't even find some trash off the wire to fill the gawdam page. The resulting house ad sure did make a lot of bucks for the company.

  15. *
    11:06 said: He will use his powerful leadership skills to finish what he started years ago...He will pour everything he has into getting it right.

    (Snort =gasp= choke)

    Couldn't do it the first time with all the king's horses and all the king's men. Maybe now that feelings have cooled among the populace he might be able to pull it off, but I think the only reason he's here is to settle old scores and level the CV, cover it with dirt and a layer of salt so that nothing may ever grow there again. And piss on the empty lot.
