Friday, June 09, 2006

TL newsroom thinks Times-Shamrock sux, deluges Gary Pruitt with e-mail

Missed this story yesterday afternoon from the AP's Mike Rubinkam on how the TL is the last kid on the playground.


  1. Mike Rubinkam is a former TL reporter who should not be covering this because of the conflict of interest, real or percieved.

  2. Vaguely reminiscent of Andy M's personal involvement in recent Internet predator arrests. A reporter becoming personally involved in the story he's also reporting on?

  3. Not really. Rubinkam is not "personally involved" with the story. He once worked at the Times Leader, leaving in 1997 or so. He no longer works at the Times Leader and no longer lives in the area. He has done well for himself, working at the AP. It's not like he has an axe to grind with the TL, and frankly probably doesn't give two shits about the Voice.

  4. OK, crapper. Let's get this straight first: Only TV media and Lane Filler are pompous. Second, what does Rubinkam have to gain by siding with anyone? He's not with the TL, he's not even in the WB/Scranton market. I'm more than confident he can be impartial. But since you apparently are not a "journalist/reporter" I guess you wouldn't know. And, while we're at it, could you explain the difference between a reporter and journalist?

  5. Uh-oh. The wingnuts have found this place. Today it's the difference between "reporters" and "journalists." Tomorrow, it's who -really- controls the media.

  6. Why would Rubinkam choose sides? He makes a lot of money at the AP and lives in Allentown. Why would he care about Wilkes-Barre where he had to put up with idiots like Allison, Pam Turfa and a host of others still toiling there praying the Lynetts hire them.

  7. No one but an idiot or someone who has a fettish for kissing ass would WANT the Lynetts to hire them.
