Thursday, June 15, 2006

"No feature writers wanted"

That's the headline on from those "hard-core" newsmen at the Bloomsburg Press-Enterprise. "If you dream of working at a daily paper where the reporters and editors love hard news, this is the place," reads the ad.

On Thursday's front page: "DANVILLE — More motorists downtown are getting pinched with parking tickets thanks to the police department's new summer intern."


  1. Wow. Another hard-hitting "newsy" story from a rag that somehow manages, on a daily basis, to trivialize international news into a series of briefs on an inside page.
    Another fish-wrapper.

  2. Note that the Bloomsburg paper is a farm team for the Times Leader. Terrie Morgan-Besecker and maybe Dave Iseman used to work there.

  3. Now that's stupid. You know, two prominent TLers also used to work in the velvet coffin at the Scranton Times. Another farm team?

  4. What more would you expect from Jim Sachetti? The guy's brain doesn't know what the mouth is saying, if you know what I mean.

  5. The Bloomsburg paper is a small daily in a small town. I think it's fair to call it a farm team for the Times Leader. The Scranton and Wilkes-Barre papers are more apples to apples, though the Scranton paper is quite a bit larger than the Wilkes-Barre paper.

  6. Not a "bad paper?" You can't be serious.
    The PE routinely - DAILY - treats international news like it's nothing more than a police blotter. And don't even mention national news.
    It's all very reminiscent of the old local TV feature known as "the world in a minute."
    Come on. Even Stroudsburg's Pocono Record does better.

  7. People can get their local and international news from other places besides the PE. What's it supposed to be, a junior NY Times?
