Thursday, June 29, 2006

It's confirmed: $65m for the TL

At least that's what Reuters says. Kudos to Renita Fennick for getting the right number days ago. Now, if she could only find out who owns the newspaper....


  1. why has no one in the WB reported this? not even the "i know everything and i am too hot to trot" TL has picked this up.

  2. Good question. Maybe the paper feels bad for overplaying its sale at the beginning of the week while the Flood of 2006 bore down on the W-B?

  3. CV briefed it. Still nothing from the TL. Sign of the new TL ownership, perhaps?

  4. TL reported it three days ago. Maybe you were rowing at the time and missed it.

  5. No, the TL correctly guessed and buried that guess in the last legs of the "your newspaper's owners are a secret" story. It merits a story of its own. T-T and CV inexplicably briefed it out. Maybe it's too hard to report on numbers that big.

  6. Dumb asses. The TL reported it first. Why would they report it over and over again. They're not in the television news business.

  7. why has no one in the WB reported this? not even the "i know everything and i am too hot to trot" TL has picked this up.
