Thursday, June 01, 2006

Idea: The CV closes while the TL lives on

Interesting, Renita Fennick. Interesting. Recommended reading.


  1. A third scenario: Both papers fold in the long run, one simply going much sooner than the other.
    How about a struggling ex-coal town without a daily paper?
    That's something to consider as well.

  2. Funniest thing I have read lately. Keep wishing, kids.

  3. Third scenario: cheap owners buy the TL, slash jobs, push for higher profits and kill the paper by a thousand little cuts.

    I think the "anyone but TS" mandate from the TL is misguided, at best.

  4. The people who post on this board are amazing. Why would any company - even Times Shamrock -- want to keep the CV when it makes less, if any money, and is a "journalistic trainwreck." Why kill a cash cow and start over if you don't have too?

  5. TL dreamers, here's why it will never happen:

    It would be like shooting your wife in the head so you could go live with the woman next door because she has a couple extra bucks.

  6. TL Dreamers, huh?

    Do not think for a MINUTE that the Lynetts wouldn't ditch the Voice if the end result was the control of the entire NEPA media market.

    This scenerio is not that far fetched.

  7. If the Lynett's buy the paper it's a no win scenario at both papers. Good, hard-working personnel at both papers will lose jobs over it. No one likes to see good people lose their jobs.

    It could be an opportunity to really do some housecleaning of people employed at both papers who are not doing the job, but the reality is that would probably not be the case and some good people will be left seeking new carreer paths.

    No one wins in that situation. Not the employees, not the advertisers, not the readers, and not even the Lynett's.

  8. We were told that nobody would lose their jobs when TS bought us and that turned out to be a lot of TS BS.

  9. We were told that nobody would lose their jobs when TS bought us and that turned out to be a lot of TS BS.
