Wednesday, June 07, 2006

And then there was one

Wilkes-Barre always has to be special, right up to the end. McClatchy has sold off all its unwanted newspapers except one: The Times Leader of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Is there a bidding war? Or are there any bidders (at the minimum price) at all? If you were expecting any insight from the TL business staff, your expectations were misplaced.


  1. Here's an idea: Thursday's edition of the Times Leader will be the last one. Remember, when the Lynetts bought the old morning Scranton Tribune, there was no farewell issue. The troops came in one morning to find the locks changed. I'm not suggesting that a CV reporter camp outside the TL all night, but if the Lynetts -do- buy the newspaper there is a small but significant chance that once tonight's TL nightside staff leaves the building, the locksmith will be visiting.

  2. Don't think so, Kemo Sabe.

  3. *
    9:25 said:
    Remember, when the Lynetts bought the old morning Scranton Tribune, there was no farewell issue. The troops came in one morning to find the locks changed.

    * * *

    Isn't that what happened at the Independent? Or pretty close to it?

    I made several predictions about the newspaper strike many years ago:

    (1) One day, without warning, the locks on the TL would be changed.
    (2) The strike would last a year and be settled.
    (3) We'd be at that roach-infested Sterling forever, the best digs we had at the time.

    Hey, if 9:25 is right, I'd have guessed correctly one time out of three. In baseball, a .333 batting average is pretty good.
