Monday, May 22, 2006

NewsAlert: Lynetts, others tour TL on Sunday

Why, oh why, are there no pictures? Potential new owners walk through the newsroom at 11:15 a.m. Sunday and no one takes pictures? Christ. Anyway, the TL also reports that the rumor mill says that a former publisher, but not Dale Duncan or Mark Contreras, may buy the paper. Maybe they will give Allison the paper to settle her lawsuit.
  • Matt Golas, in his Monday newsroom note, mocks the Lynetts for not writing about their visit in the CV or the Scranton paper, says they are soft, makes odd reference to a Department of Justice investigation (all after Sherwood item)

    1. Uh, how many newspapers have a photographer just hanging out in the office at 11:15 a.m. on a Sunday? Have you ever even worked in the business?

    2. Yeah, you goddam dumbass. Do you think people carry around light-weight, pocket-sized digital cameras or have them as put of their wireless telephones or some other fantastic 21st-century piece of technology? C'mon, Buck Rodgers!


      Free Sembrat!

    3. Golas will be the second one canned when the Lynetts buy the TL. He can't keep his mouth shut about the new owners. Dumb move. But then again he is friends with McHugh. So much for good judgment.

    4. Camera phone shots of the Lynetts as they toured the TL conference room (with the dry erase board of fame in the background) would have been fucking priceless.

      Seriously, if my name were Golas or Iseman, I would make sure that a reporter were watching the building for tours from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. daily. And I would have armed that reporter with one of those "digital cameras" that another poster mentioned. If you're going down, why not go down swinging?

    5. Uh, how many newspapers would pay a reporter to sit in a lawn chair in front of the TL on a Sunday just in case a potential buyer stops by.

      Next point: Do you honestly think anyone in the community gives a shit about the TL? Where is the community support and letters to the editor? Oh snap, there are none.

    6. All fine and dandy to claim on the editorial page about just how important (newspaper) competition is in small-town (city?) America. And I agree with that notion. A person would have to be as dumb as a doorknob not to.
      But if the readers don't give a shit (as evidenced by the apparent lack of LTEs on the subject) then?

    7. There's lots of things readers don't give a shit about that is quite important to them, or more important than they realize.
      This is just one of them.
