Monday, May 01, 2006

Joe Petrucci is the new sports editor at the TL

Joe Petrucci replaces Kurt Knapek, who is moving with his wife to South Carolina, TL editor Matt Golas reports. Kudos to Petrucci. We'll see how long he has a sports department to run.


  1. Joe Petrucci will do a tremendous job during this critical time for the Times Leader.
    His motto will be "All we can control is us right now."

  2. What is the origin of that catchphrase, if any?

  3. 9:14pm asked: What is the origin of that catchphrase, if any?

    * * *

    I cut it down to "All we can control is us," and ran it on Google. Here is the only hit:

    Yanks are leading 7-4, so it doesn't look like that is going to happen, Texas is also winning, Angels have an off day, but all we can control is us...

    Source: Don't bother going there; all you get is the WSOD (White Screen Of Death).

  4. Wrong!
    Hint: Betzler Fields, Saturdays, fall season
