Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Here's another self-serving story from the TL about how its demise would be a loss for humanity

Seriously, read it all the way to the end of this Renita Fennick story. When it's not crowing about how much the newspaper cares about the community ("The Times Leader has dedicated a full-time reporter, Mark Jones, to the community advocate beat") or bragging about all the money it dispenses ("The Times Leader gives about $130,000 in cash each year") it is blowing publisher Pat McHugh, detailing his humble beginnings in Miami and his rise to the most benevolent man in Wilkes-Barre ("Since Pat McHugh came aboard, the employee and corporate financial contributions (to the United Way) have gone up fourfold").

Yuck. Talk about a story that should not have been written, much less published.


  1. Agreed. It is not news and thank god McHugh's days in this town are numbered.

  2. Whether you like McHugh or not,the loss of a company that gives hundreds of thousands of dollars to the community is a big story. Check out how little is given by the Scranton Times/CV.

  3. It is sad that this company may not exist shortly but we have McHugh to thank for that. He came. He destroyed. And shortly he will be gone. Unfortunately the community will suffer greatly because of it.

  4. Amen for that story not being published, at least by the Times Leader.

    If an outside source did it (IE one of the TV stations) it would have been a worth while story. However, because the TL did it -- it just seems self serving.

  5. What is up with all the hating on Pat McHugh? It's his fault that the Times Leader may close? What bullshit. I know this is hard to get through your reductive head, Mr. 9:02 a.m., but there is no individual to "blame" for today's state of affairs. Ever since the Voice published its first issue, one of the two newspaper has been destined to close up shop. It's amazing that both papers have lasted so long. I'd wager that the CV would have collapsed under the weight of its own incompetence had the Lynetts not purchased it and improved it, however slightly.

    I'd also wager that the Lynetts wish they'd sat on their cash for a few more years. They could have bought the TL, finished running the CV into the ground, and be sitting pretty on a monopoly. Instead, they are contenplating buying not one, but TWO newspapers in Wilkes-Barre. Buying one of anything in Wilkes-Barre is a bad enough. But two? Those poor people.

  6. And here's a crazy idea: What if the Lynetts don't buy the TL? The Lynetts have already sunk their cash and effort into bringing the CV up to Scranton standards, such as they are. How eager would you be to drop $10 million or more on an asset that will generate exactly zero dollars off the bat? Remember, the Lynetts can afford to wait around for a while and let the TL die a slow death. Why write a huge check?

    An interesting result could be that a big chain -- one less interested in NEPA than the Lynetts but with a lot more money -- outbids the Lynetts and then really tries to cut their balls off when it comes to advertising and circulation. It's a tried and true Gannett tactic (ask Larry Beaupre).

    Another interesting result is that McClatchy could get no satisfactory bids for the TL and just holds onto it. Gary Pruitt's first visit to Wilkes-Barre would be an interesting one.

  7. Do you read? McClatchey has made it clear it will not take ownership.
    As far as McHugh, he has run the property into the ground. It is worth far less than it was before he came. He should have bought the Voice when he had the chance 6 years ago but didn't. Based on those facts, he should take some responsibility for the state of the TL.
    As for the Lynett's, they will make back whatever they invest in a short time. The last thing they are is poor.

  8. Can you spell? There is no E in McClatchy.

    Also, the Lynetts are wealthy, but people in NEPA think anyone who makes more than $100,000 a year are all equally wealthy. The big chains can buy and sell the Lynetts a million times over. If some bean counter at Gannett decides the TL is an appropriate acquisition, then the Lynetts will have no chance. None.
