Sunday, May 14, 2006

Enjoy the wild reader responses to the AP's W-B story

The Times Leader apparently does not moderate comments during the weekend, otherwise it would have stripped out the shots at the newspaper left in the comments section of the AP's story about the newspaper.


  1. Do you have any evidence that the TL has deleted posts that are critical of its coverage?

  2. When the Walzer lawsuit hit the papers, a number of threads in the TL forums concerning Walzer and the newspaer were killed out.

  3. They have always killed criticism of the paper. In fact there used to be a forum about Walzer that the TL FORBID their employees from accessing at work.

  4. The one thing I always see that is missing from the TL-CV story is what will happen to the Weekender? I assume the Voice will close it and then combine Diamond City and Electric City into one. Any thoughts?

  5. It would be bad business to close the dominate youth publication in the area.

    Providing the TL is bought by Times-Shamrock, I think the Diamond City would have more to worry about than the Weekender.
