Monday, March 20, 2006

Scranton Times doesn't do so hot at APME awards

The Scranton Times only got two APME awards compared to the Times Leader's five. The Citizens' Voice got zero. It's all bullshit anyway, but still telling. Fact: Erin Nissley, now of the Times, won THREE awards for her work at the KR-owned Centre Daily Times. Nichole Dobo, now of the CV, also won for CDT work, and Scranton Times photographer Jason Farmer won for work at the Pocono Record.

The Scranton Times awards were picked up by Chris Kelly for Iraq stuff and by Jim Haggerty and Stacy Brown for Everhart stuff.


  1. Correx on name spelling in this post. It's Nichole Dobo. Not a big deal, but I figure accuracy matters on a media blog.

  2. Nice to know someone's reading.

  3. Didn't mean to sound snarky. Sorry about the mistake.

  4. And, if anyone is still reading, Erin only started at the Times in January ... after the time period that the PAPME was judging.
