Saturday, January 14, 2006

WNEP anchor to run for Pa. legislature?

Borys Krawczeniuk's Roderick Random tackled the question in his Saturday column, part of which we repost here (click above to read the whole thing):

This anchor won’t move; Swann’s bid taking flight

The best rumor we’ve heard lately is that WNEP-TV news anchor Marisa Burke might run for state Sen. Robert J. Mellow’s seat.

“It’s crazy,” said Ms. Burke, 45, who, like Mr. Mellow, also lives in the Peckville section of Blakely. “I will tell you several people have approached me.”

Prominent political people, she said. The 22-year anchor wouldn’t say if they’re Democrats or Republicans.

“The word got out, and other people started talking about it,” she said. “I really haven’t given it much thought.”

She wouldn’t even say if she would give it serious consideration. “It’s a huge compliment to me,” she said. “I’m really flattered.”

Because of the pay raise controversy, state legislators are especially vulnerable politically this year. Mr. Mellow, the Senate Democratic leader, always has opposition, but his push for the pay raise and refusal to give back the unvouchered expenses he collected before it was repealed make him a bit more vulnerable this time around.

The other name circulating is Scranton Councilwoman Janet Evans, whose husband, Dave, has been asking about the price of billboards.

Efforts to reach Mrs. Evans this week were unsuccessful.

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Burke cannot be 45 years old unless she graduated from high school at 14 and college at 18! It's says she graduated from college in 1982. That would make her my age, which is 49. I'll never understand why people lie about their age.
    Does anyone know if she is still married to Kandel? Just wondering.
