Friday, January 27, 2006

Behind the scenes as the TL's John Fox writes a story about a blogger

We heard that a Wilkes-Barre blogger, Wilkes-Barre Online, has been writing about a story that's being written about the blogger. How meta is that? Anyway, the story hasn't run yet. But here is the tale of John Fox's entry into the guy's home, ensuing interview and photo shoot.

"But this photo shoot experience was, was queer. It was almost unsettling. Why in God's (oops) name would anyone wanna spread open the morning newspaper only to find my ugly mug?" asks the blogger in his Thursday entry:

"Much to my surprise, while we were gabbing about all things Wilkes-Barre, our intrepid reporter flipped open his pad and started taking notes. Ah, I got it. This wasn't so much a friendly get-together as it was an impromptu interview. And I had no problem with that," the blogger writes in his Wednesday entry:

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